Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 - 2018

Proposta da Božo Bećir - Super Proprietario - Risponde in meno di un'ora

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 - 2018


Proposta da Božo Bećir - Risponde in meno di un'ora

8 pers.
200 cv
8 metri
Con skipper

A proposito della Merry Fisher 795

Testo tradotto automaticamente

Stai cercando la barca perfetta per esplorare le splendide Isole Elafiti vicino a Dubrovnik? Non cercare oltre il Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795. Questa barca compatta e versatile è la scelta ideale per il noleggio giornaliero, offrendo un modo comodo ed efficiente per esplorare questa bellissima parte del mondo. Allora perché aspettare? Prenota oggi stesso il tuo noleggio giornaliero del Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 e scopri di persona la bellezza delle ...

Stai cercando la barca perfetta per esplorare le splendide Isole Elafiti vicino a Dubrovnik? Non cercare oltre il Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795. Questa barca compatta e versatile è la scelta ideale per il noleggio giornaliero, offrendo un modo comodo ed efficiente per esplorare questa bellissima parte del mondo. Allora perché aspettare? Prenota oggi stesso il tuo noleggio giornaliero del Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 e scopri di persona la bellezza delle Isole Elafiti. Con il suo comfort, versatilità e prestazioni, questa barca è la scelta perfetta per chiunque desideri esplorare questa splendida parte della Croazia. Il prezzo include - attrezzatura per lo snorkeling, - bevande fredde a bordo, - snack, - WiFi, - teli mare - pulizia finale Costi aggiuntivi: - Skipper (100€ per la giornata intera, 70€ per la mezza giornata, da pagare a bordo dopo la viaggio) - Carburante (100€ per una gita di un giorno intero alle Isole Elafiti, 70€ per una gita di mezza giornata alle Isole Elafiti. Il carburante è da pagare dopo il viaggio) Può essere noleggiato: Gita di mezza giornata dalle 10:00- 14:00 o (Contact information hidden) Gita di un giorno intero da (Contact information hidden) Spero di vederti a bordo!

Are you looking for the perfect boat to explore the stunning Elafiti Islands near Dubrovnik? Look no further than the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795. This compact and versatile boat is the ideal choice for daily rentals, offering a comfortable and efficient way to explore this beautiful part of the world. So why wait? Book your daily rental of the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 today and discover the beauty of the Elafiti Islands for yourself. With its comfort, ...

Are you looking for the perfect boat to explore the stunning Elafiti Islands near Dubrovnik? Look no further than the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795. This compact and versatile boat is the ideal choice for daily rentals, offering a comfortable and efficient way to explore this beautiful part of the world. So why wait? Book your daily rental of the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 today and discover the beauty of the Elafiti Islands for yourself. With its comfort, versatility, and performance, this boat is the perfect choice for anyone looking to explore this stunning part of Croatia. In price included - snorkeling equipment, - cold drinks on board, - snacks, - WiFi, - beach towels - final cleaning Extra charges: - Skipper (100€ for full-day, 70€ for half-day, payable on board after the trip) - Fuel (100€ for a full-day trip to Elafiti Islands, 70€ for a half-day trip to Elafiti Islands. Fuel is payable after the trip) It can be rented: Half-day trip from 10:00-14:00 or (Contact information hidden) Full-day trip from (Contact information hidden) Hope to see you on board!


Condizioni di noleggio

Tipo di noleggio
Con skipper
Orari indicativi di inizio e fine noleggio:
10:00 / 18:00
Nessun deposito richiesto
Condizioni di cancellazione
Non incluso


Tipo di barca
Barca a motore (Barca da pesca sportiva)
Jeanneau - Merry Fisher 795 Maggiori informazioni su questo modello
Anno di costruzione
Capacità a bordo
Numero cabine
Numero posti letto
Lunghezza (m)
Larghezza (m)
Pescaggio (in metri)
200cv (1 motore) - 4 tempi
Tipo di carburante
Gli animali sono i benvenuti a bordo
Altre partenze possibili

Adatta per

Escursione giornaliera
Vacanza settimanale
Immersioni subacquee


Sconti aggiuntivi

SamBoat Club
I membri del SamBoat Club beneficiano di ulteriori sconti su una selezione di barche.
Scopri il SamBoat Club

Promozioni del proprietario

16 ott - 30 nov 2024




Salpa ancora
Motore fuoribordo
Elica di prua


Serbatoio dell'acqua dolce


Internet e wi-fi
Zona prendisole
Doccia di poppa

Tempo libero

Attrezzatura da Pesca
Pinne, maschera e boccaglio
Altoparlanti esterni


Presa 220V
Pannello solare



Opzioni extra

Supplemento Skipper
Fascia oraria
/ noleggio
Da 1 giorno
/ giorno

Valutazione complessiva da parte dei locatari

4.9 - 56 recensioni

Dettagli delle recensioni
Conformità dell'imbarcazione
Condizioni dell'imbarcazione
Comfort a bordo
Accoglienza e comunicazione
Rapporto qualità/prezzo
Foto dei precedenti locatari

Recensioni autentiche dei nostri locatari

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We got taken to some of the nearby islands with ample opportunity to explore and swim. I would highly recommend to anyone wanting to take a boat out for the day! Great value also.
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Amazing Boat experience, Joško the skipper was top notch!! Božo was a great communicator and provided all the information needed.
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Puntualmente ci hanno cercato al porto. La barca era in perfette condizioni, con bevande analcoliche a bordo, attrezzatura per lo snorkeling, asciugamani. Hanno soddisfatto tutto ciò che ci si aspettava. Lo affitteremmo di nuovo. Eravamo 4 persone e ci siamo trovati molto bene. 2 viaggiano a poppa e altri 2 a poppa. Aveva un tavolo con posti a sedere sul retro della barca. Grazie mille!
Super puntual nos buscaron en el puerto. El barco estaba en perfectas condiciones, con bebidas a bordo sin alcohol, equipos de snorkel, toallas. Cumplieron con todo lo esperado. Volveríamos a alquilarlo. Eramos 4 personas y estuvimos muy cómodos. 2 viajando en la popa y otro 2 atras. Tenía una mesa con asientos en la parte posterior del barco. Muchas gracias!
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Mi è piaciuto moltissimo oggi! Il raffreddamento è stato più che gradito. Lo skipper Josko ci ha portato in posti meravigliosi. Su suo consiglio abbiamo pranzato molto bene con una bellissima vista sull'isola di Lopud. Barca molto bella e ben tenuta. Raccomandato!
Heel hard genoten vandaag! De afkoeling was meer dan welkom. Skipper Josko bracht ons naar heel mooie plekjes. Op zijn aanraden heel lekker geluncht met prachtig uitzicht op eiland Lopud. Zeer mooie en verzorgde boot. Aanrader!
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Ci siamo davvero divertiti durante la nostra gita in barca. Lo skipper è stato molto gentile e ha soddisfatto tutti i nostri desideri. Conosceva i posti migliori. Grazie per questa esperienza
We really enjoyed our boat trip. The Skipper was very friendly and fulfilled all our wishes. He knew the best spots. Thanks for this experience
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Tutto è stato fantastico, abbiamo addirittura prolungato la nostra esperienza perché non ne avevamo mai abbastanza della barca!
Everything was amazing, we even extended our experience as we couldn't have enough of the boat!
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Abbiamo prenotato il tour per 4 ore con 7 ragazze. Il punto d'incontro è stato facile da trovare. Pensavamo tutti che il tour fosse fantastico e, come promesso, c'erano snack e bevande a bordo. Lo skipper è stato molto gentile e ha adattato il tour ai nostri desideri. Possiamo solo consigliare la barca di Sam!
Wir haben mit 7 Mädels die Tour über 4 Stunden gebucht. Der Treffpunkt war leicht zu finden. Die Tour fanden wir alle super schön, an Board gab es wie versprochen Snacks und Getränke. Der Skipper war super nett und hat die Tour unseren Wünschen angepasst. Wir können Sams Boat nur empfehlen!
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Ci siamo divertiti così tanto insieme a Ciro, era molto professionale, ben informato e ci ha portato in alcuni dei migliori luoghi di spiaggia e nuoto che abbiamo visto. Ci siamo divertiti molto durante tutta la gita di un giorno. La barca è in perfette condizioni. Consigliamo vivamente questa barca. Esperienza 10/10.
We had so much fun along with Ciro, he was very professional, knowledgeable and he took us to some of the best beach and swimming spots we have seen. We enjoyed a lot the whole day trip. The boat is in perfect conditions. We definitely recommend this boat. 10/10 experience.
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Muy recomendable, sobretodo por el patrón!!
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Esperienza eccellente, bella barca e skipper molto amichevole.
Excellent experience, nice boat and very friendly skipper.
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Consigliamo vivamente Bozo. Abbiamo avuto un'esperienza meravigliosa. La barca è un sogno e lo è anche la Croazia in barca. Siamo stati prelevati a Cavtat e siamo arrivati alle isole Elafiti. Ciro è stata una guida turistica eccezionale ed esperta che ha condiviso con noi parte della storia di Dubrovnik. Ha anche prenotato per noi al ristorante obala - panorami e cibo fantastici - prima di intraprendere la via del ritorno a casa. Grazie!!
We would highly recommend Bozo. We had a wonderful experience. The boat is a dream and so is Croatia on a boat. We were picked up in Cavtat and rode up to the Elafiti islands. Ciro was a great and knowledgeable tour guide sharing some of Dubrovniks history with us. He also made a reservation for us at restaurant obala- fantastic views and food- before we embarked on the way back home. Thank you!!
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We had a wonderful afternoon with skipper Ciro, a professional and friendly captain. He did a great job and made us feel safe and at ease. He was flexible and listened to our wishes, which all came true! The boat is really great! It was clean and with plenty of space. There was enough shade to avoid the burning sun. Loved every minute of our trip. Thank you Bozo & Ciro! Steven and family, Belgium.
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Very nice boat and skipper, we had a great memorable day
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We had an amazing day with our skipper, Ćiro. We did the full day trip which allowed us to do snorkelling near caves in the clear waters of the Adriatic. Beautiful! We then visited Lopud where we had a lovely lunch at Ristoran Dubrovnik. We then sailed near another island to see the port before anchoring in a lagoon for more swimming and relaxing. A definite highlight of our holiday in Dubrovnik!
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We had a fantastic day, our skipper Ciro was wonderful, we had such a great time, thank you!!
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A great day !
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A fantastic day well spent on a great boat along a great skipper. Excellent service and support !
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My wife and I have just had a relaxing day on the water exploring the beautiful Elaphite Islands from Dubrovnik. Ćiro our skipper was a great host and tailored the itinerary to our preferences, which was a mix of touring, swimming, lunch at a great restaurant on Lopud and more swimming! The boat was perfect and arrangements were coordinated by Bozo in a friendly easy manner. Highly recommend!
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We spent the day with Ciro touring around the islands off the coast of Dubrovnik. He was a pleasure to be with and we loved the experience. We had lunch in Restaurant Dubrovnik on Lopud Island which was fabulous.... Highly Recommend
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Our boat trip was amazing! The crew was very accommodating. We got to visit three of the islands off the coast. The water was beautiful and the blue cave was particularly special. It was the best trip we did while in Croatia. I would highly recommend!
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Totally recommended!
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parfaite !
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Booked a half day trip for 7 of us. Brilliant trip around the islands including drinks snacks, swimming and sightseeing. Trip could be tailored to what you’d like to see and do. Didn’t feel touristy or busy with other boats around. Really recommend.
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Il nostro gruppo ha fatto un fantastico viaggio alle Isole Elafiti. Il nostro skipper era gentile e premuroso. Sono stati forniti snack e bevande fredde e la barca era pulita e in buone condizioni. Perfetto per le nostre esigenze. Consigliamo vivamente, è stata una giornata fantastica esplorando!
Our group had an amazing trip to the Elaphiti Islands. Our skipper was friendly and accommodating. Snacks and cold drinks were provided and the boat was clean and in good condition. Perfect for our needs. We would definitely recommend, it was an amazing day exploring!
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Un'esperienza grandiosa. Bozo Becir è accomodante, ultra reattivo e cerca sempre di offrire le migliori soluzioni per il benessere del gruppo. Siamo partiti alle 15 con 2 barche, gli skipper sono stati molto accoglienti. E nonostante le condizioni meteorologiche non sempre ottimali, non ci pentiamo di essere salpati per goderci i dintorni di Dubrovnik. Da rifare!
Une super expérience. Bozo Becir est arrangeant, ultra réactif et tente toujours de proposer la meilleure des solutions pour le bien-être du groupe. Nous sommes partis à 15 avec 2 bateaux, les skippers étaient très accueillants. Et malgré des conditions météo pas toujours optimales, nous ne regrettons pas d'avoir pris la mer pour profiter des environs de Dubrovnik. A refaire !
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Again a perfect day. Friendly owner and skipper. We will come back to Bozo for a rental.
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Prenotato o un'intera giornata e ottimo servizio ed esperienza. Ottime comunicazioni prima e durante. Altamente raccomandato.
Booked or a whole day and great service and experience. Great comms beforehand and during. Highly recommended.
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Io e la mia famiglia abbiamo trascorso la giornata migliore con Niksa. Ci ha portato in giro per le isole facendo snorkeling e ci ha portato nell'isola più bella per pranzo. Ci ha dato la storia delle isole e ha sfruttato al massimo il nostro viaggio. Altamente raccomandato!
My family and I had the best day with Niksa. He took us all around the islands snorkelling and brought us to the most beautiful island for lunch. He gave us the history of the islands and made the absolute most of our trip. Highly recommend!
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Tutto è andato alla perfezione! La giornata è stata fantastica, i bambini si sono divertiti moltissimo
Vse probehlo naprosto v poradku! Den byl uzasny, deti si to moc uzily
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uscita molto buona
Très bonne sortie
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Excellente journée super bateau et le skipper marcino etait au top du top. Le skipper nous a réservé le restaurant pour midi et nous a même fait office de guide pour visiter lopud Je recommande à 100%
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Perfect day! Thank you
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Una giornata così fantastica! Il nostro skipper Nik è stato brillante e incredibilmente disponibile per l'intera giornata, ci ha mostrato alcuni luoghi fantastici per lo snorkeling e ha aspettato gentilmente mentre pranzavamo a Bowa, lo consiglio vivamente, grazie ancora
Such an amazing day! Our skipper Nik was brilliant and incredibly helpful the whole day, showed us some amazing snorkelling spots and waited for kindly whilst we had lunch at Bowa, would highly recommend, thank you again
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The experience was great!!! Josko (our skipper) was amazing, very professional and he showed us around to the best beaches. The trip was super fun. He also took us to a beautiful, traditional fish tavern to eat in one of the Elafiti islands. Highly recommended!!!
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We had an amazing day on the boat!
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Amazing experience! Highly recommended! Very good easy communication
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Really good fun, the captain was a very nice guy. I’d highly recommend.
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The host was amazing and extremely helpful. The skipper was incredible, and made sure we got to see every possible area around dubrovnik. He was also super sweet. I recommend using this boat.
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We had a fantastic time! Josko, our skipper, couldn't do enough for us, from checking our route to refilling glasses, helping us up the swim ladder with towels waiting. They obviously care very much about the customer and do all possible to make sure you enjoy your day - also had the best price of all the companies - I will definitely book again next year ...thank you ever so much Bozo and Josko!
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We had such an amazing day, the communication before was brilliant. All my questions answered within minutes, even a last minute date change was not a problem. Our skipper was fantastic. I could not recommend more. Thank you so much x
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Fantastic day! Our skipper Mario was absolutely lovely and tailored the trip to our group. The boat was great for 5 ppl (more than this may be a little cramped). They offered a snacks, cold drinks including water, beer, wine but we took lunch or you can swim to shore and get some at one of the spots. They didn’t supply crockery and cutlery. Good value for money. We had a great day! Thank you!
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We had an amazing time, the boat was fantastic and Ivan the skipper was absolutely brilliant
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The boat is great and also the islands that he took us is amazing! Thank you’
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Great day, Antonio was more than happy to suggest a relaxed itinerary and ensure we all had fun.
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Bozo Bechir was told in advance that we can make a tour around all the Elaithi Islands, with the exception of Mljet. After the start of the tour, the skipper said that he was not ready to take us around the Shipan Island without additional payment and demanded an extra 100 euros for fuel (+100 euro for the skipper), although no one had warned about this in advance. So we were forced to pay extra.
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We had a wonderful day on the boat. Our skipper Bozo was very helpful and had the best recommendations for this day. Great experience. Thanks a lot
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Had a great day .. Skipper was excellent
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Božo Bećir
Božo Bećir
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Thank you Karl for renting our boat :)
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Fantastic service throughout the trip and flexibility in pick-up harbour according to our hotel location. Skipper took us to 4 beautiful locations for swimming and sightseeing. The boat was very pleasant, and including drinks and snacks. A great way to spend the afternoon. Highly recommendable.
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Božo Bećir
Božo Bećir
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Thank you Thomas for renting our boat ;)
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The boat was perfect! Skipper was excellent! Thanks for perfect day!
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Božo Bećir
Božo Bećir
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Thank you Oleg for perfect day :)
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We had a perfect day on Bozo’s boat. Our skipper Martko was great, very friendly, professional and took us to some amazing spots (including a superb restaurant). Simple booking process and certainly surpassed our expectations. Highly recommended!
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Great trip with a very nice and good captain, took us to the most beautiful places and we had good conversations. Highly recommend!
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Our skipper was great and very experienced, knew the best spots to go to and avoid the tourists. Very friendly and discreet
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Everything was just perfect! Out can‘t get better service!
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Very nice boat, super condition and perfect for 4 people. Might be a little cosy if any more than 4! Excellent day out, with lovely spots, guided by Bozo who was absolutely charming and very knowledgeable. Really great recommendation for lunch restaurant- quiet, beautifully situated, great food and wine! What more could you ask for? Very happy to recommend and good value for money.
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Super prestation : bateau quasi neuf, skipper attentionné et très sympa. Je recommande
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Quiero agradecer a Bozo , la profesionalidad , proactividad y ayuda para organizar muy viaje . Recomiendo a todos contactar con Bozo Muchas gracia . HVALA!!!
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Dove si trova la barca?

A proposito del proprietario, Božo Bećir
Božo Bećir
Super Proprietario
Iscritto dal 2019
Visualizza tutte le barche di questo professionista
Tasso di risposta: 100 %
Tempo di risposta: meno di un'ora
Lingue parlate: Inglese
/ giorno
Annullamento gratuito