Jeanneau Leader 10 - 2011

Proposta da Božo Bećir - Super Proprietario - Risponde in meno di un'ora

Jeanneau Leader 10 - 2011


Proposta da Božo Bećir - Risponde in meno di un'ora

8 pers.
520 cv
11,5 metri
Con skipper

A proposito della Jeanneau Leader 10

Testo tradotto automaticamente

Cerchi uno yacht lussuoso e spazioso per esplorare le splendide Isole Elafiti vicino a Dubrovnik? Non cercare oltre il Jeanneau Leader 10. Questo yacht elegante e raffinato è la scelta perfetta per il noleggio giornaliero, offrendo un modo confortevole e sofisticato per esplorare le isole con stile. Con il suo design elegante e moderno, il Leader 10 trasuda eleganza e raffinatezza, rendendolo la scelta perfetta per chi cerca un'esperienza lussuosa ...

Cerchi uno yacht lussuoso e spazioso per esplorare le splendide Isole Elafiti vicino a Dubrovnik? Non cercare oltre il Jeanneau Leader 10. Questo yacht elegante e raffinato è la scelta perfetta per il noleggio giornaliero, offrendo un modo confortevole e sofisticato per esplorare le isole con stile. Con il suo design elegante e moderno, il Leader 10 trasuda eleganza e raffinatezza, rendendolo la scelta perfetta per chi cerca un'esperienza lussuosa ed elegante. Il suo ampio pozzetto e i lettini prendisole lo rendono il luogo perfetto per rilassarsi e prendere il sole, mentre la sua cabina ben arredata offre tutti i comfort e i servizi necessari per una giornata in acqua. Questa barca può essere noleggiata solo con l'equipaggio ed è già compreso nel prezzo. La barca ha una capacità di 7 passeggeri (+ equipaggio). Due motori diesel entrobordo da 260 CV alimentano la barca e hanno una velocità di crociera di 27 nodi e una massima di 36 nodi. Il prezzo include: - equipaggio, - teli mare, - tavola sup, - attrezzatura per lo snorkeling, - bevande fredde a bordo, - fabbricatore di ghiaccio, - macchina per il caffè, - snack, - WiFi, Costi aggiuntivi: carburante in contanti dopo il viaggio - Elafiti Gita alle isole (giornata intera 280€, mezza giornata 200€) - Gita a Ston/Kobaš (380€) - Gita all'isola di Mljet (600€) - Gita all'isola di Korčula (800€) Si può noleggiare: per più giorni o per affitto giornaliero (Informazioni di contatto nascoste) (un giorno)

Looking for a luxurious and spacious yacht to explore the stunning Elafiti Islands near Dubrovnik? Look no further than the Jeanneau Leader 10. This elegant and stylish yacht is the perfect choice for daily rentals, offering a comfortable and sophisticated way to explore the islands in style. With its sleek and modern design, the Leader 10 exudes elegance and sophistication, making it the perfect choice for those looking for a luxurious and stylish ...

Looking for a luxurious and spacious yacht to explore the stunning Elafiti Islands near Dubrovnik? Look no further than the Jeanneau Leader 10. This elegant and stylish yacht is the perfect choice for daily rentals, offering a comfortable and sophisticated way to explore the islands in style. With its sleek and modern design, the Leader 10 exudes elegance and sophistication, making it the perfect choice for those looking for a luxurious and stylish experience. Its spacious cockpit and sun loungers make it the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun, while its well-appointed cabin offers all the comfort and amenities you need for a day on the water. This boat can only be rented with the crew and they are already included in the price. The boat has a capacity for 7 passengers (+ crew). Two inboard 260hp diesel engines power the boat and have 27kn cruising speed and a maximum of 36kn. In price included: - crew, - beach towels, - sup board, - snorkeling equipment, - cold drinks on board, - ice maker, - coffee machine, - snacks, - WiFi, Extra charges: Fuel in cash after the trip - Elafiti Islands trip (full-day 280€, half-day 200€) - Ston/Kobaš trip (380€) - Mljet Island trip (600€) - Korčula Island trip (800€) It can be rented: For multiple days or for day rent (Contact information hidden) (one day)


Condizioni di noleggio

Tipo di noleggio
Con skipper
Orari indicativi di inizio e fine noleggio:
10:00 / 18:00
Nessun deposito richiesto
Condizioni di cancellazione
Non incluso


Tipo di barca
Barca a motore (Yacht di lusso (< 18 m))
Jeanneau - Leader 10
Anno di costruzione
Capacità a bordo
Numero cabine
Numero posti letto
Numero di bagni
Lunghezza (m)
Larghezza (m)
Pescaggio (in metri)
Potenza totale
520cv (2 motori) - 2 tempi
Tipo di carburante
Gli animali sono i benvenuti a bordo
Alla boa
Di base
Altre partenze possibili

Adatta per

Escursione giornaliera
Vacanza settimanale
Immersioni subacquee


Sconti aggiuntivi

SamBoat Club
I membri del SamBoat Club beneficiano di ulteriori sconti su una selezione di barche.
Scopri il SamBoat Club

Promozioni del proprietario

17 set - 31 ott 2024

Durata minima: 1 giorno




Salpa ancora
Pilota automatico
Elica di prua


WC (1)
Acqua calda


Internet e wi-fi
Zona prendisole
Doccia di poppa

Tempo libero

Pinne, maschera e boccaglio
Altoparlanti esterni


Presa 220V



Opzioni extra

Supplemento Skipper
kit snorkeling
Stand up paddle
Pulizia finale

Valutazione complessiva da parte dei locatari

5.0 - 14 recensioni

Dettagli delle recensioni
Conformità dell'imbarcazione
Condizioni dell'imbarcazione
Comfort a bordo
Accoglienza e comunicazione
Rapporto qualità/prezzo
Foto dei precedenti locatari

Recensioni autentiche dei nostri locatari

Testo tradotto automaticamente
Nous avons loué le bateau pour emmener le cortège du marié de mon fils de la marina de Gruz jusqu'au palais Sponza dans la vieille ville. Nous n'avons donc utilisé le bateau que pendant environ 45 minutes sur les 4 heures de location minimum. Mais l'expérience était de première classe. Le bateau était là à l'heure (très important compte tenu de l'occasion) et c'était une façon spéciale de voyager. Des boissons étaient servies à bord (incluses) et il y avait un choix de bières, de prosecco, de vin, de boissons non alcoolisées. Quelques amuse-gueules étaient également proposés. La seule petite surprise a été qu'après qu'une tournée de bières ait été servie et que nous en ayons demandé une autre, ils n'avaient pas assez de canettes de bière identiques, alors on nous a présenté une gamme aléatoire de canettes différentes comme s'ils les avaient trouvées au fond du placard ! Si nous l'avions utilisé pendant toute la durée de la location de 4 heures, j'aurais été très déçu de constater qu'ils n'avaient assez de la même bière que pour une tournée. Mais dans l'ensemble, je le recommande vivement et si nous retournons à Dubrovnik, nous prévoyons de le louer pour une demi-journée et d'utiliser pleinement le bateau, le paddle board, etc.
We hired the boat to take my son’s grooms party from Gruz Marina around to Sponza Palace in the Old Town. We therefore only used the boat for around 45mins out of the 4 hour minimum hire. But the experience was first class. The boat was there on time (very important given the occasion) and it felt a special way to travel. Drinks were served on board (included) and there was a choice of beer, Prosecco, wine, soft drinks. A few nibbles were provided too. Only slight surprise was after a round of beers were served and we asked for another, they didn’t have enough of the same beer cans so we were presented with a random range of different cans as if they had found them at the back of the cupboard ! Had we used it for the whole 4 hour hire I would have been very disappointed to find they only had enough of the same beer for one round. But overall I would highly recommend and if we return to Dubrovnik we plan to hire it for a half day and make full use of boat, paddle board etc.
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Belle journée avec un équipage sympathique.
Nice day with a friendly crew.
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Testo tradotto automaticamente
Nous avons passé un très bon moment sur le bateau de Bozo : le bateau était incroyable, l'équipage était vraiment sympa et a fait en sorte que nous vivions une expérience inoubliable.
We had a great time on Bozo’s boat: the boat was amazing, the crew was really nice and made sure we live an unforgettable experience.
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Testo tradotto automaticamente
Nous avons loué le bateau pour une journée, et la qualité du personnel et toute l'expérience étaient excellentes. Les a réembauchés à nouveau pendant notre semaine à Dubrovnik
We hired the Boat for a day, and the quality of the staff and whole experience was excellent. Re-hired them again during our week in Dubrovnik
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Mes amis et moi avons passé un bon moment sur le bateau. Nous avons pu visiter de nombreux endroits sympas autour de Dubrovnik.
My friends and I had a great time on the boat. We got to check out a lot of cool places around Dubrovnik.
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Testo tradotto automaticamente
Bon travail Un plaisir de travailler avec Bizo Professionnel et a répondu à toutes les questions avant le voyage et était disponible à tout moment Le bateau était super propre et cres était professionnel et sympathique Vraiment l'un des meilleurs jours de notre voyage
Great job A pleasure to work with Bizo Professional and answered any pre trip questions and was available at any time The boat was great snd clean and cres was professional and friendly Truly one of the best days on our trip
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Testo tradotto automaticamente
Une journée formidable à bord d'un bateau bien équipé. Nous craignions que le temps orageux ne nous oblige à annuler - Nous apprécions donc vraiment le skipper expert qui nous a navigué et même trouvé des baies ensoleillées!
A terrific day onboard a well-equipped boat. We were worried stormy weather may cause us to cancel - So we really appreciate the expert skipper navigating us through and even finding some bays with some sunshine!
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Perfect !! Amazing day ! Thank youuuuu!
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Le capitaine et son compagnon étaient excellents, le bateau était propre et tout était super. Je reviendrai et le referai l'année prochaine. Merci.
The captain and mate were excellent, boat was clean and everything was great. Will come back and do it again next year. Thank you.
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Ching Ho
Ching Ho
Testo tradotto automaticamente
Le propriétaire Božo était très réactif et serviable avant notre excursion en bateau et a rendu tout un jeu d'enfant. Le jour de notre voyage, nos pantoufles Joško et Nika étaient si gentilles et bien informées; ils nous ont emmenés dans les meilleurs endroits pour nager et nous ont même aidés à obtenir une réservation pour déjeuner sur une île. Ils étaient également très flexibles et accommodants en fonction de ce que nous avions envie de faire tout au long de la journée.
The owner Božo was so responsive and helpful prior to our boat trip and made everything a breeze. On the day of our trip, our slippers Joško and Nika were so kind and knowledgeable; they took us to the best places for swimming and even helped us get a reservation for lunch on an island. They were also super flexible and accommodating based on what we felt like doing throughout the day.
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Je ne peux pas remercier Bozo de nous avoir aidés à organiser nos journées de charter, l'équipage était excellent nous a emmenés dans des lieux de baignade incroyables, des visites autour des îles et un incroyable restaurant pour le déjeuner ! Je ne peux pas en recommander assez, si vous avez besoin d'une charte à Dubrovnik, assurez-vous d'utiliser Bozo et son équipe. Un grand merci à notre équipage hier, nous avons passé une journée dont nous nous souviendrons longtemps !
I cannot thank Bozo for helping us organise our days charter, the crew were excellent took us to amazing swimming spots, tours around islands and an incredible restaurant for lunch! Cannot recommend enough, if you need a charter in Dubrovnik make sure you use Bozo ans his team. A big thank you to our crew yesterday, we had a day we will remember for a long time!
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Jean Francois
Jean Francois
Testo tradotto automaticamente
Everything was perfect and the crew was friendly and professional
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Had a fantastic day on a very nice boat and reasonably priced. Could not fault the crew very helpful and ran the day the way we wanted . Took us to some amazing places to swim along with a lovely place to stop for lunch . went out of there way to drop us back as close as possible to hotel will use again and highly recommend them .
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Had a great day on the water with very good service
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Dove si trova la barca?

A proposito del proprietario, Božo Bećir
Božo Bećir
Super Proprietario
Iscritto dal 2019
Visualizza tutte le barche di questo professionista
Tasso di risposta: 100 %
Tempo di risposta: meno di un'ora
Lingue parlate: Inglese
/ giorno
Annullamento gratuito